
Welcome To Home Building

Learn Homebuilding The Easy Way

In the Homebuilding Industry since 1993 - with over 1,000 new homes completed - I'm now dedicated to teaching the homebuilding industry to newcomers and those who want to learn more parts of the business. #WelcomeToHomeBuilding

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How Home Builders Can NOT Gobble Up Land But Still Build

Happy Tuesday, Reader! The homebuilding industry can be a paradox for some. I mean - you're building a product for people to fulfill dreams and wishes, and that's a great thing. But, often, Home Builders are using up land (taking over old farms, etc.) to build their homes. And that can be somewhat of a downer to folks who hate to see the ground give way for "McMansions" and other housing. As a Home Builder since 1993, I've struggled with this same paradox. The industry is what put a roof over...

Home Building Franchising and Licensing

Happy Tuesday, Reader! If you've ever wondered just how different Home Builders structure their businesses, this email might just help! Of course, it might even create MORE questions for you - but - that's ok. Questioning is good. It's how you get better in this great homebuilding industry! When it comes to how Home Builders structure their businesses, there really isn't a simple answer. There are so many different ways to do it - but - today, I'd like to talk about two ways that some Home...

No Matter What You Call Them - SPEC Homes That Sit Are No Fun!

Happy Tuesday, Reader! If you have a family member who served in the armed forces and is no longer with us - my thanks to them for their ultimate sacrifice on this Memorial Day Week! And - if you or a family member served and still with us (or is currently serving) - thank you!! SPEC Homes That Sit Are No Fun! There! I said it! If you're a Home Builder who sells SPEC Homes (either exclusively OR as part of your product mix), you know that the key to these being successful is to actually SELL...

The "Plan Creep" is lurking! How To Make Your Floorplans Less Creepy.

Happy Tuesday, Reader! I find myself in Maine this week - getting ready to do a presentation to a bunch of custom home builders about finding waste in plans. And I thought it might be nice to share some of the same information with you. Hope you find this helpful! Waste in your home plans happens over time with something referred to as "Plan Creep." No - this isn't some weirdo lurking in the corners chanting unintelligible words while waving a set of plans at you (though that IS kind of an...

Breaking the "Chain of Command" is a No-No!

Welcome to Home Building! Happy Tuesday, Reader! Have you ever had a situation where you made a decision concerning a home your company is building - only to have it overturned by someone who is higher up your corporate ladder? If you haven't, kudos to you and your Company; however, I'm betting that you've seen something like this happen (or WILL see it happen in the future). I've definitely seen it in my career. Several times, my decisions were overturned by a boss (who, in my case, was my...

Spec Home Loans Explained For All to Understand

Welcome to Home Building! Happy Tuesday, Reader! Does your homebuilding company build Spec homes? If so (and you're new to the industry), you might wonder exactly how your company gets the money to build those homes. Now, maybe your company is flush with cash and there is no need for a bank; however, most home builders do need the assistance of a loan to build the house. That's exactly what I explain in this week's article (see link below). In This Issue I get it. You have a lot of email, and...

The Trades Are Out There. Can You Find Them?

Welcome to Home Building! Happy Tuesday, Reader! Hope this email is finding you well and you're staying busy! If your Company is like a lot of Home Builders I work with all across North America, chances are that you are - in fact - staying busy. Higher interest rates and variable pricing of materials and goods have, weirdly, not affected homebuilding numbers in many locations (OK....there are a few areas that are excluded from this). If you are busy, chances are that you are also still...

Welcome to Home Building - October 24, 2022

Good morning, Reader! Wanted to send you out a Monday morning email with some information that you can use! As you may know, I'm building a brand new website to teach those new to the industry some key things. It's still in its infancy, but it had to start somewhere! Anyway, I'm really proud of the Incredible Growing Home Building Glossary that lists terms that those in homebuilding should know. It's building from suggestions from folks just like you! So - if you want to see a term that's not...

In the Homebuilding Industry since 1993 - with over 1,000 new homes completed - I'm now dedicated to teaching the homebuilding industry to newcomers and those who want to learn more parts of the business. #WelcomeToHomeBuilding

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